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Washington County FairCalling all pie-eating contestants, tug-of-war enthusiasts, and seed spitting marksmen and markswomen—the Washington County Fair is upon us! The fair is celebrating 50 years of tractor pulling excitement, and we’re proud to sponsor this staple of summertime in Rhode Island. Fecund with fun games and activities, the Washington County Fair caters to all of those who love having a great time outdoors partaking in unique events with a certain rural flavor. While you’re taking your chances at the cow-chip bingo field, the RIHI Remote Team will be talking roofing, replacement windows, and siding with passersby—answering any and all questions about how to make your home more energy efficient.  It’s been a long time since we’ve set up shop at the Richmond Fairgrounds, so our own excitement and anticipation are palpable!

Washington County FairOur faithful blog followers will attest to the vast number of shows in which we participate over the course of the year; however, no other event offers quite the experience the Washington County Fair brings to the table. Pie eating and tug-of-war aside, the seed spitting competition has always piqued my curiosity—especially the intricacy of exactly how one judges a seed spitting competition. Luckily, the WCF website informed me that both accuracy and distance are equally factored into each spitter’s score.  I’d like to also mention that a seed-spitting trophy awaits each winner—one for the men’s division and one for the lady’s. One can only imagine what this glorious trophy looks like, but I’m sure each winner will display it proudly and prominently.

For our more cosmopolitan friends not as interested in the cowboy lifestyle, you can always reach us at 401-739-1001 for all your home improvement inquiries. Please feel free to visit our product pages at www.rihi.com for all our August specials. The clock is ticking down on our summer, so take advantage of these offers before leaf peeping season!

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