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iStock_000013757570Small1Roof repair/replace: the sequel

While your roof might not be the sexiest part of your home, it is still arguably one of the most important. When last we met, we discussed how the age of your roof will normally dictate the course of action needed in regards to remedying issues pertaining to your roof. We’ll look at a few other factors today which should help make your roofing decision a little easier.

Lifting and curling

If upon a casual inspection you discover more than a few lifting and curling shingles, you’re going to want to start shopping for a roof replacement. If, however, your roof is under ten years old and you’re noticing this lifting and curling, you should contact the roofing contractor who installed the roof. Shingles that fail before the fifteen-year mark are trying to tell you that either the shingles—or the roofing contractor who installed them—were defective.

Laying over an existing layer

Before we go any further, this might also be a good time to discuss whether to strip your old shingles or to lay another layer over them. Both avenues are acceptable; however, you must first determine how many layers are currently on your roof. If you have one layer of shingles on your roof you can simply have another layer installed right on top of it. Getting what is referred to as a layover is fine unless you live in an area susceptible to high winds. Shingles grab much better when fastened to the house as opposed to another shingle, so please just keep this in mind when making the layover versus strip decision. Whether you decide to layover or strip, our Protec shingles will give you decades of peace of mind. Constructed with harsh winters and occasional bashing at the hands of an unpredictable hurricane season, the Protec roofing system is the smartest choice for your roofing concerns.

Two layers of shingles is the max

Let’s say you already have two layers on your roof. In that case, there is no debate to be had. You must strip both layers off. Not only because it’s the better idea, but a roof with more than two layers conflicts with building code. Having three or more layers of shingles on your roof is not only a fire hazard, but will also compromise the amount of weight your roof can carry. Shingles may not appear very heavy, but spread out three deep over an entire house would be like parking a Buick above your living room. Allow us and our sixty-plus years of experience to show you the best avenue to take when addressing your roof.

Once again, roofing issues are nothing to play around with, especially right before winter. Call us before you get too caught up in the holiday hoopla. As always, we’ll be on the other end of 401-739-1001.

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