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slider_kitchenTime for a Facelift

How many of you out there woke up today, dragged yourself out of bed to brew that much needed first cup of coffee, sat down at your table, looked around, and said, “I really need to do something with this kitchen.”  The holiday season—and  the entertaining that comes with it—always  seems to bring out all the little (and not so little) issues people find with their kitchens. Although Hanukkah and it’s festival of lights is already upon us and Christmas is merely a week away, there is still time—believe it or not—to achieve a kitchen that will blow the minds of friends and family alike. Time is ticking; however, so we’re going to blow YOUR mind with an offer we’ve been saving for this: the most wonderful time of the year!

Get that kitchen ready to entertain!

The kitchen is the money room of your house, and that’s why we’re taking 40% off any cabinet refacing installation* we sign up before December 22, 2014. As a company, we’ve never offered a savings plan such as this, and we couldn’t be more excited! Kitchen cabinet refacing could easily be our favorite product simply because of how elated each and every one of customers become following the project’s completion.  Why? I’m glad you asked.

Kitchen kickstart

Cabinet refacing kick-starts your kitchen’s performance and appearance like nothing else. Clocking in at half the price of a kitchen remodeling project, cabinet refacing gives you a beautiful contemporary kitchen. Kitchen remodeling projects are long, drawn out, and riddled with hassles. Believe me, you don’t know what inconvenience is until you’ve tried washing your dishes in the bathtub.  With cabinet refacing, on the other hand, we’re in and out of your hair after two or three days, all while you still have full access to your kitchen. No showering with any salad bowls for you!

Let’s face it; your kitchen needs a facelift and we’re the guys who can make that happen. Call us today and let us show you how to create the kitchen of your dreams at almost half the cost. Once you calculate our Christmas Cabinet Spectacular  special into the price  you math buffs will realize that refacing your cabinets with RIHI  today will be almost half the cost of half the cost of remodeling your kitchen.  


*See your cabinet representative for details.

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