Peaches, all comfy and cozy
behind RIHI Protec Windows!
She held off as long as she could, but good old Mother Nature finally reminded us that we live in New England—and it happens to be January. With the holidays fading into memories and our thoughts turning to daydreaming about Memorial Day cookouts, we just have to get past the next sixty days or so of winter’s worst offerings. If, however, you were one of the hundreds of savvy homeowners who took advantage of our RI Home Improvement 2016 extravaganza specials then you have very little to worry about. In fact, just as I was diligently shoveling my driveway this morning I happened to turn toward my house to notice my dog looking at me from her perch inside my recently installed RIHI Protec bay window. While I was laboring through the bitter cold and back fatigue, Peaches—on the other hand—could not have looked more comfortable or cozier behind those three panes of Climaguard glass. Just that simple one window replacement project has brought a quiet calm to my household—not just giving Peaches the perfect place to keep a close eye on her neighborhood buddies—such as chipmunks and squirrels, but also bringing me a heating bill that is much easier to digest. It never ceases to amaze me how many people will replace all their windows, but leave the largest window alone. I did not have this option, as my bay window verticals would gently rustle with each blustery breeze. The custom-made composite construction of my new Protec bay window seals off the winter wonderland from my living room, giving Peaches a great place for afternoon naps—at least that’s what she tells me.
Don’t let the first significant snowfall of 2017 get you down! Look Mother Nature square in the eye and fight back. Take it from Peaches and call us today at 401-739-1001 for your free window estimate. Keep winter outside…where it belongs!