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kids-having-funHappy President’s Day, everyone! I hope you all have finally shoveled yourselves out following the latest snow blitzkrieg through which we’ve suffered. For most of you with kids, I’m sure you’re looking for creative ways to keep your little ones occupied during this—the first official day of February vacation. Trying to keep the doldrums of Cabin Fever at bay can be a challenge, which is why the RIHI Remote Team is setting up shop today at the Newport Children’s Festival. Fun for the entire family lies just over the Newport Bridge; so pack the kids into the car, hit the open road, and drop in to see us before the next snow squall buries us.

Sponsored by the Newport Daily News and located at the Newport Hyatt, The  promises fun and excitement for not only the kids in attendance, but also the adults chaperoning them. Dance Force will be entertaining the crowd with its insanely talented collection of moves, as well as offering plenty of chances for audience participation in the form of various games and activities. Following the Dance Force extravaganza, you’re going to want to catch the Lucky Show. You’ll experience comedy, juggling, and magic—occasionally all three simultaneously—during the highly anticipated Lucky Show. Who doesn’t love a magical hilarious juggler? Lucky, indeed!

Finally, all the kids—young and old—will be amazed with the Rainforest Reptiles Live show. Get an up close and personal meet-and-greet with some of the most exotic critters who call the deepest jungle recesses home. Once you’ve finished with your dancing, laughing, juggling, and reptile perusing don’t forget to drop by and say “hi” to our RIHI Remote Team. You’re going to want to enter into our Toys ‘R Us Gift Card Giveaway. We’ll be giving away a $100 gift card to Toys ‘R Us at show’s conclusion today, so don’t miss out!

If leaving your cozy home is too much to ask on this frigid President’s Day, stay inside and call us at 401-739-1001. We’ll be here, trying to stay warm, and preparing to answer all of your concerns regarding ice dams and all other things roofing.

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